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Opening Day

Today, November 1st, 2011 is a very important date.

It is the first day that Stitchology is officially open for business!

About 5 years ago I decided I wanted to start my very own sewing lounge and fabric store, but there were several things standing in my way. For example I was still in school. And I had no cash. Or experience. Or direction. And I was so darn young. So I spent the next 5 years saving, and dreaming of what I wanted my store to be like.

Then, about 4 months ago I decided it was time to start the store! I had spent 3 years teaching in town, working on the Fiber Arts Council and serving as Vice President of the American Sewing Guild Board and running a very small fashion design business, so I felt I was better prepared.

So I dove head first into this little project of mine, and after 4 jam packed, thrilling, and delightful months I have assembled Stitchology--something that looks vaguely like a store-- and it is finally ready to debut.

One day down and I have made more sales than I expected for my first day!

Here are a few photos of the store. Enjoy!

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