Hem in Hunger Food Drive and Hot Pad Challenge

This year for our 11th anniversary, Stitchology would like to give back to our community, so during the fall of 2022 we are hosting a food drive for The Storehouse New Mexico. It works in 2 parts!
Part 1. Canned and non-perishable donations--we will have a box inside the store that you can drop off any canned or non-perishable food into and we will get that to The Storehouse I understand they love it when they get peanut butter and cereal donated!
Part 2. Hot Pad Challenge!--I am asking you to make and donate hot pads. They will be due Tuesday, November 8th 2022. Our panel of expert judges will select winners. Winners will be awarded prizes which will include Stitchology Gift Certificates and gift baskets. The hot pads will then be sold and all the proceeds will be donated to The Storehouse of New Mexico.
Make a cash donation to The Store House Here: https://www.classy.org/campaign/stitchology-hem-in-hunger-challenge-and-food-drive/c430912
Hot Pad Challenge!
Help us raise funds for The Store House New Mexico by entering a Hot Pat into our Hot Pad Challenge! It's fun to do and the rules are simple. In November winners from each category will be selected and prizes will be awarded. We will then sell the hot pads and donate the proceeds to The Storehouse!
1. Hot pads must be donated to Stitchology (2502 Rio Grande Blvd NW 505-242-3288) on or BEFORE November 8th 2022.
2. Hot pads must be handmade or hand embellished. We don't care what medium or techniques you use, but we don't want anything storebought (although if you want to buy a premade one and paint or embellish it- YES PLEASE!)
3. Hot pads must be a minimum of 8" around. We don't care what shape it is as long as it's big enough to safely use.
4. If sewing your hot pad, please use a minimum of 2 layers of a natural (cotton, wool, or bamboo blend) quilt batting or use a layer of Insulbright so they are safe to use!
5. Each Hot pad must be labeled with your name, phone number, email address and entry category if you wish to be entered to win a prize.
1. Adult- made by anyone 19 years or older.
2. 18 and under-made by anyone 18 years or younger with zero or minimal assistance of an adult
3. Adult and Child team- Any child any age with help from an adult.
1st place- $25 gift certificate + a gift basket containing exciting sewing supplies.
2nd place-$20 gift certificate + a gift basket containing exciting sewing supplies
3rd Place-$15 gift certificate + a gift basket containing exciting sewing supplies
18 and under
1st place- Gift Basket containing exciting sewing supplies. 2nd place-Gift Basket containing exciting sewing supplies.
3rd place-Gift Basket containing exciting sewing supplies.
Adult and Child Team
A FREE fat quarter to the first 15 teams that enter
Picking a winner:
You may be wondering how you can win this thing? We will be putting more importance on design and creativity than sewing skills so no need to feel intimidated. The pannel of exert judges will pick their favorites. The Hot Pads will become available for sale on Saturday, November 12th-the day of our 11th-anniversary celebration!
Hot Pads- All Proceeds Will be Donated to The Storehouse

Stitchology has been working to support our community by hosting a food drive and sewing competition for The Storehouse New Mexico. The Storehouse is New Mexico's largest food pantry and provides over 1.6 million meals a year.