How Crafty Girls get Organized

Lately I’ve been in great need of a bit of organization in my life. I’ve been offering so many classes at the new store that it proved tricky to keep track of what classes I was teaching when. So I made myself a calendar.
A ginormous chalkboard calendar to hang over my check out counter.

To make the calendar I started with a piece of chalkboard cloth (you can find some at Stitchology if you are inclined to make a calendar of your own).
I spent some time with my super long ruler carefully marking straight lines. Then I came in with a little fabric glue and rick rack to make the spaces for the days.

Once the glue was all dried I printed out the days of the week on paper and glued to the calendar.
To finish up I printed out numbers and month titles and attached them to Velcro so I can move them around and switch them up each month.

And Voila, I have a super cool, super versatile, super big calendar to help keep me organized! And the best part, each month all I have to do is wipe it clean with a damp cloth and start all over!
Plus it's fun to decorate.
I herby crown myself Queen of the Crafts.
I mean that literally.

I plan on wearing this fabric crown I made daily.
You may call me Her Majesty if you wish, although it is not required.
Although it may help score you a discount on your Chalkboard Cloth
Happy Crafting